Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


On 11 January 2024, the "Gowes Santuy With Kaesang and James Junior" event was held at Community Park PIK2, an area which is the center for various large-scale and international events and festivals.

This time, Kaesang Pangarep, accompanied by his wife, Erina Gudono, cycled leisurely around the PIK2 area with many other cycling communities of approximately 400 cyclists. "Yes, today's event is a 10 kilometer ride with the cycling communities," said Kaesang on the sidelines of the event. The 10 km route created by the committee includes the Greenbelt route, Jend. Sudirman Street and MH. Thamrin PIK2 Street and ends at the Community Park area.

In this series of Gowes Santuy activities, the participants not only cycled leisurely around the PIK2 area, but also had the opportunity to have breakfast with Kaesang and take photos together. Various attractive prizes were also given to participants after cycling. Apart from maintaining fitness together and increasing interest in sports, Kaesang also took advantage of this fun cycling moment to remind residents to use their rights to vote at polling stations (TPS) on Election Day on 14 February. Chris, as one of the participants from the TQQ community, explained that the PIK2 area is more comfortable and wider, so cyclists can get around more comfortably by bicycle. "I regularly exercise by bicycle every time I'm in the PIK2 area," he added.

Lita and Ahai, who were also participants from the TQQ community, were also very enthusiastic about participating in this activity together. Apart from the fact that it has become a routine agenda, the moment of cycling with Kaesang is also an interesting thing for them. "I cycle from Monday to Saturday at PIK2, the place is really good. For friends who have never tried it, come and visit PIK2 and join us," said Ahai in an interview.

Kaesang also felt happy to be able to visit and enjoy cycling in the PIK2 area. According to him, the PIK2 area is very good. In the future, it is hoped that cycling sports with Kaesang will be held again in the PIK2 area.