Thursday, 18 January 2024, the groundbreaking for Entertainment District PIK2 was held at Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) 2. The Entertainment District, which stands on an area of ±4.2 ha, was designed using the concept of all-round urban entertainment that is family friendly and acts as a venue for creativity and expression of the millennial generation and Gen Z. This Entertainment District is the first one-stop urban entertainment area in Indonesia that will be present at PIK2 and is expected to be completed and operational soon in 2024.
Lioe Cie Hung as Chief Commissioner of the Entertainment District said, "The Entertainment District is here to provide activity options for families. With spectacular game features, we can help the younger generation mobilize their energy to play innovative digital entertainment, bowling, ice skating, gokarting, and playgrounds that rely on physical abilities and creativity. So that the child's growth and development can be balanced."
Even though it still has the status of groundbreaking, the very rapid development of the PIK2 area is believed to be able to attract the attention and interest of visitors, potential tenants and investors in the Entertainment District. From the business side, the Entertainment District management has prepared a flat rental scheme for 10 years with competitive rates to attract the interest of tenants. So far, 70% of the Entertainment District commercial area has been sold.
Apart from that, a number of premium tenants have expressed interest in filling business space in the Entertainment District. "As a tourist destination for families and the younger generation, the Entertainment District has also prepared land for supermarkets and premium restaurants, as well as the Kampung Kecil area which serves culinary choices at affordable prices to complement all visitors activities," said Josua Juan Setiawan, COO of the Entertainment District.
Soesilawati Kho, Investor Relation Director of Agung Sedayu Group is very optimistic that the presence of the Entertainment District PIK2 will further strengthen PIK's position as an Urban Entertainment Hub and be able to contribute greatly to tourism development in Jakarta. "We want to provide a unique, exciting and different experience for the residents of Jakarta and the surrounding area. Hence, visitors don't just gather together, but can also enjoy the various exciting activities that are available," she stressed.
She also explained that the PIK2 area is a development of an independent city covering an area of ±6000 ha. Where more than 100 thousand houses will be built, tens of thousands of apartment units and it is predicted that more than 500 thousand people will live here. For this reason, Agung Sedayu Group will always provide various facilities for the comfort of residents such as facilities for worship, education, health, shopping, culinary, and what is no less important are family tourism recreational facilities.
To go to the Entertainment District, visitors can use public transportation and the PIK shuttle which is integrated with TransJakarta. Those who come using private vehicles will be able to go directly via the new toll exit at PIK2 towards the Entertainment District which is targeted to start operating this year.