On 6 June 2023, representatives from Agung Sedayu Group paid a visit to the Embassy of Thailand in Jakarta, to discuss the plans in building the Si Mian Fo Statue and the Thai MSME collaboration that will be present at PIK2. Si Mian Fo or the Four Faced Buddha statue is one of the famous religious tourism objects in Bangkok, Thailand, which will soon be present at PIK2 Indonesia.
During this visit, Evelina Setiawan as the Corporate Marketing & Promotion Director had the opportunity to chat with the Ambassador of Thailand, H.E.Mr.Prapan Disyatat. According to him, this can also help Indonesians to get to know Thailand better, to learn more about Thai culture and arts. People here can definitely come and pray asking for their prayers to be granted. "But I think it's not only inviting local tourists, but maybe Thai tourists will also come to Jakarta or Thai people who live here, they will also want to come and see the statue," added Prapan Disyatat.
That is why PIK2 has made this statue of Si Mian Fo as identical as possible to the one in Bangkok. Of course, people can still visit Bangkok if they have the time and opportunity. But for some people who don't have that kind of opportunity, they can visit the one at PIK2 instead and pray. Prapan Disyatat also gave his appreciation to Agung Sedayu Group because it is known that the sculptor who made this statue is the same person who made the statue in Bangkok. "Actually, in order to make the statue, we consulted with several parties involved in making the statue at the Erawan Shrine. We also contacted the Maestro from Thailand," said Evelina Setiawan.
He also explained that once everything is complete, PIK2 will invite Bhikkhu and dancers from Thailand and will surely invite the Embassy of Thailand to come and visit during the inauguration.
Hopefuly all ideas, all actions taken can bring blessings and happiness, can also have a good impact on everyone in the world. "I want to thank Agung Sedayu Group for the plan to bring Thai products. I think this project can also bring a small community around the area. Bringing Thai culture and other Thai products to make and invite everyone to know more about Thailand. And this is in line with our mission at the embassy to promote Thai products here. Therefore, we would like to thank your Group for helping us." said Prapan Disyatat at the end of the conversation.