The 2025 Kosambi Sub-District Development Plan Forum (Musrenbang) was successfully held at the Multi-Purpose Building (GSG) in Cengklong Village, Kosambi Sub-District, on 31 January 2024 with the theme "Even Distribution Development with Environmental Insights in Efforts to Increase Regional Competitiveness through Collaboration between Sectors".
This activity was also attended by H. Asmawi as the Head of Kosambi Sub-District, all Village Heads, Council Members, and related stakeholders. In this annual agenda, Community Development PIK2 participated in presented the results of collaboration over the past year and planned activities for the following year until 2025.
This Musrenbang succeeded in becoming an active discussion forum between stakeholders and became a good first step in achieving the 2025 RKPD. Head of Kosambi Sub-District, H. Asmawi said, "This Musrenbang activity is an annual agenda that accommodates proposed activities with a bottom-up approach." Apart from that, this Musrenbang is also a gathering place for all elements of society in the surrounding area.
Many of the topics and proposals discussed in Musrenbang activities cover the fields of economics, environment, health and human resource productivity. This is certainly relevant to PIK2's aim so far, namely to create sustainability so that it can improve the quality of life of the community, especially in Kosambi Sub-District.
"So, through this Musrenbang, it is hoped that all aspirations can be filtered to realize synergy and harmonization between sectors and between regions in the development process in 2025," said H. Asmawi.