In order to solve the waste problem in Teluknaga Sub-District, PIK2 Community Development built the Pantas Gemilang Waste House which is a pilot project for the PIK2 program on the environmental pillar. The groundbreaking ceremony for the 2023 Pantas Gemilang Waste House was held on March 3rd, 2023 at Saung Ayub, Pangkalan Village, Teluknaga Sub-District, which was attended by Zamzam Manohara as Head of Teluknaga Sub-District, Sigit Wibowo as Commander of Military of Teluknaga Sub-District, Iptu I Wayan S who was present representing the Teluknaga Police Chief, Subur Maryono as Head of the Village Government Association (APDESI) of Teluknaga District, Ahmad Muhrim as Head of Pangkalan Village and the Saung Ayub Community of Pangkalan Village.
The Pantas Gemilang Waste House is expected to be an effort to decipher the waste problems that exist in the community through integrated community waste management and processing activities so that it will be able to reduce the volume of residual waste that will be taken to the final disposal site (TPA). Organic waste is processed into compost or maggot cultivation. Inorganic waste can be managed through waste stalls where later this waste can be exchanged for groceries, metals, or even Umrah/Hajj savings. PIK2 will also try to implement a new innovation, namely the pico hydro power plant.
Hopefully in the future, there will be another “Waste House” which can also help the wide community in solving waste problems.