Starting 2025 on a positive note, PIK2 has initiated meaningful and beneficial activities, focusing not only on the areas within its vicinity but also on the surrounding areas.
Starting 2025 on a positive note, PIK2 has initiated meaningful and beneficial activities, focusing not only on the areas within its vicinity but also on the surrounding areas.
On Friday, December 20th, 2024, a demplot planting activity was held in Kohod Village, Pakuhaji Sub-District. The event was attended by key figures, including Dr. Ir. H. Restu Mahesa, MM, Director of Estate Management; Bambang Satosadjaja, GM of Estate Management at Agung Sedayu Group; Yahya Djanggola, Chairman of Edu Farmers International Foundation; Ir. Asep Jatnika Sutrisno M.M, Head of Tangerang Regency Agriculture and Food Security Office; Mohamad Supriyatna S.Sos M.M, the Sub-District Head of Pakuhaji, H. Hasan Basri, Chairman of the Pakuhaji MUI; and Arsin, the Head of Kohod Village, along with other stakeholders.
On Thursday, December 19th, 2024, PIK2 organized a mass circumcision event as a gesture of care for children in the Tangerang Regency area, particularly in Teluknaga Sub-District.
PIK2 remains committed to implementing various sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs to facilitate ease, build resources, and improve the welfare of communities in Tangerang Regency.
PIK2 remains committed to enhancing human resource potential in Tangerang Regency through the Science Olympic.
After successfully collaborating with the local government to initiate the BCU-78 River Cleanup Program, PIK2 has once again stepped in to clean several areas within Teluknaga Sub-District, including Muara Village, Lemo Village, and Tanjung Pasir Village.
On December 10th, 2024, Community Development PIK2 organized the event Kak Rara Goes to Jakarta Aquarium Safari with children from Pojok Literasi Tamara in Sepatan Sub-District.
On Sunday, December 1st, 2024, the children from the Sunday School of GBI Salembaran Jaya held a service in celebration of Christmas.
The Clean Water Facility (SAB) is part of an effort to make it easier for communities, especially in areas with limited access to clean water, to obtain safe and reliable water.
On November 31st, 2024, the first harvest of catfish cultivation was carried out by the Sejahtera Jaya Group in partnership with PIK2 in Lemo Village, Teluknaga Sub-District.
On Saturday, October 26th, 2024, a Funwalk event took place in the Teluknaga Sub-District. This event was filled with the spirit of togetherness and joy among thousands of participants, bringing together people of all ages, from children to adults, in enthusiastic participation.
The spirit of unity must always be present and safeguarded within the hearts of the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation.
On October 22nd 2024, PIK2 held a lively Language Month celebration activity through art performances and storytelling with children from Teluknaga, Kosambi and Pakuhaji Sub-Districts at the Marketing Gallery Pasir Putih PIK2.
The Indonesian Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation together with Agung Sedayu Group participated through their humanitarian mission, in the Bebenah Kampung Kamal Muara Program (Kamal Muara Village Improvement Program) in stages, since 2019.
On Tuesday, September 24th 2024, an outing was held with the children of Muara Village with the aim of introducing them to the profession of a firefighter.
One form of PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk’s commitment to carrying out social and environmental responsibility to the surrounding community, Community Development PIK2 is implementing the Upik Cerdas Program in order to eradicate the stunting problem in Tangerang Regency which started on September 2nd 2024 and will end on October 26th 2024.
Tuesday, August 27th 2024, harvest was carried out in Bojong Renged Village, Teluknaga Sub-District. This harvest followed the commodity planting activities that were carried out last March.
PIK2 continues to strive to contribute to improving educational infrastructure in the surrounding area. The groundbreaking of SDN Salembaran is the first step towards creating better educational facilities for children in surrounding area.
“It’s time to be a star” is the theme choosen at the PIK2 CUP 2024 this year marking a new change in concept for this tournament. Fresh faces and more exciting matches will be presented at PIK2 CUP 2024.
On Tuesday, August 27, 2024, PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk handed over one Ambulance unit to the Kosambi Health Center which was symbolically given by Estate Management Director of Agung Sedayu Group Dr. Ir. H. Restu Mahesa, M.M to support the community in accessing health services more easily at the Kosambi Community Health Center, Kosambi Sub-District, Tangerang Regency.
On August 27th 2024, an Open Defecation Free (ODF) declaration event was held in Lemo Village.
On Thursday, August 22nd 2024, the Community Development PIK2 in collaboration with the Sejahtera Jaya Group located in Adidaya Village PIK2, Lemo Village, Teluk Naga Sub-District, held an event to release ±20,000 catfish seeds in the Ketahanan Pangan (Ketapang) program
Community Development PIK2 is proud to inaugurate the Kejar Paket Rumah Pintar School which is part of the “Bang Pendi” program, named Rise through Equal Education.
Water is a basic need for society whose quality and hygiene must always be maintained. On Wednesday 24th July 2024, Community Development PIK2 opened a Clean Water Facility at the Darul Mu’minin Islamic Education Foundation, Tanjung Pasir Village with the aim of supporting the provision of clean water in this area.
In commemoration of National Children's Day on 23rd July 2024, ALL SEDAYU HOTEL Kelapa Gading in collaboration with Serena Biscuits, Khong Guan Biscuits, Pookio and MilkLife held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity held at the Tunas Bangsa Children's Orphanage with the theme "Give them smile, give them happiness, give them life".
Mega development project Pantai Indah Kapuk - Agung Sedayu Group and Salim Group located in North Jakarta continues to experience rapid development.
PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk collaborates with PT Inovasi Gerakan Masyarakat (Bank Sampah Bersinar) in the management of the Pantas Gemilang Waste House, marked by the signing of collaboration between the Pantas Gemilang Waste House, which is under the guidance of the Community Development of PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk, and PT Inovasi Gerakan Masyarakat on 19th June 2024.
Education is the best investment a nation can make for its future. For the younger generation, education is not just about getting a degree or finding a job, but also about preparing oneself to face the challenges and opportunities in life.
In order to celebrate Eid al-Adha 1445H, on 14-16 June 2024, PIK2 distributed a total of 21 goats which were distributed to sevral villages around the PIK2 area...
In order to carry out Corporate Environmental Social Responsibility in the Tangerang Regency Area, PT. Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk handed over grant funds to Teluknaga Sub-District for infrastructure development in the Teluknaga Sub-District area on 16th May 2024.
On Tuesday, 7th May 2024, Community Development PIK2 once again held a Literacy Corner activity with Kak Rara. This activity was previously held in October 2023 with the theme of storytelling.
In order to share happiness with others and strengthen ties of friendship, on 6th April 2024, a donation activity was held by Agung Sedayu Group for orphans, disabled children and mosque-marbots in the Kamal Muara Village and Dadap Village.
The Kosambi Sub-District Youth Organization collaborated with Community Development PIK2 to hold a big agenda in the month of Ramadhan 1445 H/2024, namely a Ramadhan Festival 2024 event which was held for two days on 3-4 April 2024 in the courtyard of the Kosambi Sub-District Office, Tangerang Regency.
Since 2006, Tzu Chi has started the "Bebenah Kampung" program by helping renovate residents' damaged and uninhabitable houses into better permanent homes, with the 3S program for a Healthy Environment, Healthy Family and Healthy Economy.
Humans as social creatures will surely always live side by side, therefore we need to build a sense of mutual care for each other.
In order to build awareness and togetherness towards the surrounding community, in the Holy Month of Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah, Community Development PIK2 held a series of events in the form of Alms and Iftar with Orphans in Teluknga Sub-District, Tangerang.
Adidaya Village PIK2, provided assistance with chili seeds and planting methods to the Waru Brilliant Farmers Team, which means Bojong Renged, Beautiful, Sustainable, Safe and Peaceful Environment.
The Pantas Gemilang Waste House and the Sampah Hebat Stall located in Pangkalan Village, Teluknaga Sub-District were inaugurated on Thursday, 7 March 2024 by the Tangerang Regency Government, represented by H. Fachrul Rozi, S.sos, M.Si as the Head of the Environmental Office
Community Development PIK2 is back in contribution to the field of education by providing scholarships for undergraduate degree. Batch 1 scholarships was opened and carried out on 13 February 2024 and were given to 7 prospective students...
The Teluknaga Sub-District Development Plan Forum (Musrenbang) was held on 7 February 2024 and was held in the Hall of Saung Ibu Restaurant, Kampung Melayu Timur Village, Teluknaga Sub-District with theme "Even Distribution Development with Environmental Insights in Efforts to Increase Regional Competitiveness through Collaboration between Sectors".
It is a job training program that operates in the hospitality sector, especially in the fields of Front Office, Housekeeping and FB Service.
The 2025 Kosambi Sub-District Development Plan Forum (Musrenbang) was successfully held at the Multi-Purpose Building (GSG) in Cengklong Village, Kosambi Sub-District, on 31 January 2024 with the theme "Even Distribution Development with Environmental Insights in Efforts to Increase Regional Competitiveness through Collaboration between Sectors".
Friday, 19 January 2024, the 2nd Judiciary of the Citra Kirana Job Training Institute was held
After going through 8 months of education, 10 students successfully completed the stages of their education.
As one of the teachings that has been implemented in Islam, circumcision for boys is a tradition aimed at health and is also a highly recommended act of worship. Through circumsion, a child is taught from an early age about the importance of body health and cleanliness, especially the genitals.
Community Development PIK2 is back to hold the 2023 PIK 2 CUP Football Tournament in Teluknaga Sub-District and Kosambi Sub-District with the theme "Harmonizing The Movement."
Community Development PIK2 continues to be committed to alleviating the problem of dropping out of school through the Bang Pendi Program. The Bang Pendi Program, which has the meaning of Rise through Equivalency Education, is one of the Education Pillars implemented by Community Development PIK2.
Community Development PIK 2 continues to be committed to increasing the potential of human resources in Tangerang Regency through the Tangerang Regency Level of Biology and Health Olympics, which is the first competition for high school students organized by Community Development and in collaboration with Karang Taruna Kosambi Sub-District and Syekh Yusuf Islamic University.
Welcoming Christmas Day in December 2023, Community Development PIK2 is helping to spread love and happiness to the community around PIK2.
In celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Marine and Air Police Unit (Polairud), which falls on 1st December 2023, the Indonesian Police Security Maintenance Agency of the Marine and Air Police Unit carried out activities to plant 73 thousand mangrove seedlings, in accordance with the Marine and Air Police Unit's 73rd Anniversary throughout Indonesia.
Our bodies will be healthy if they are used to move and carry out activities that are not too tiring. One way to achieve good health is by exercising, where the lightest exercise to do is a healthy walk or you could say a leisurely walk.
Community Development PIK 2 held another "PIK 2 CUP" Football Tournament in 2023 in Teluknaga Sub-District and Kosambi Sub-District.
In commemoration of the 38th anniversary of Indonesian Tera Gymnastics, all levels of the Indonesian Tera Gymnastics Management of DKI Jakarta Province on Sunday 3 December 2023 held the 37th Gebyar Hateri event which was enlivened with various performances and distribution of prizes with the main event being joint gymnastics which was attended by approximately 5000 participants in the Aloha Pasir Putih PIK2 area.
Saturday, 28 October 2023, Tera Exercises and Health Social Service activities were held at PIK Icon, Golf Island.
In 2020, there were ±2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and it caused ±685,000 deaths globally in 2020. Early cancer detection can increase the chances of recovery for sufferers. With quicker treatment, cancer can be treated before it develops and spreads to other organs.
As a form of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tangerang Regency area, Community Development PIK2 implemented the Taman Baca Cemara Literacy Corner Program to celebrate Language Month on Wednesday, 1 November 2023.
PIK2 participated in the Working Visit of the Chairperson of the Family Welfare Movement Team (TP-PKK) in Tangerang Regency on 31 October 2023.
On September 4, 2023, the Open Defecation Free Declaration was implemented in Muara Village, Teluknaga District, Tangerang Regency. This declaration is the result of the PIK2 Community Development program which has built 71 healthy and quality latrines, clean water facilities, and rehabilitated 2 uninhabitable houses as a form of the company's Environmental Social Responsibility in the Health sector.
Stunting Children, as a form of appreciation from the Tangerang Regency Government for the Prevention and Alleviation of Stunting Si Melon program by providing additional food to improve nutrition in the stunting locus, Teluknaga District, Tangerang Regency. Several efforts have been implemented by PIK2, such as providing additional food for babies under 2 years and the first 1000 days of life targeting pregnant women.
One of Agung Sedayu Group's CSR efforts to improve the local community's economy, especially the area around PIK2, is through a community empowerment program by job training method. This program aims to improve community skills as an effort to develop proficiency and self-reliance in order to meet their daily needs.
Officially opened on 2 August 2023, the First Melon Picking Tour was held in Kampung Adidaya Waru Brillian, Bojong Renged Village, Teluknaga Sub-District. Kampung Adidaya with the concept of "Cakap Berdaya" and focuses on Horticultural crops, is one of PIK2's community empowerment programs with the hope of forming a capable and empowered community.
Welcoming Eid al-Adha 1444 H, on 28 June 2023, PIK 2 distributed total 21 goats for sacrifice to the Teluknaga Sub-District and Kosambi Sub-District.
On 27 June 2023 Agung Sedayu Group, through PT Kapuk Naga Indah and PT Duta Graha Karya distributed 12 goats and 1 cattle to the mushollas and mosques in RW 1 - 4, Kamal Muara Urban Village, Penjaringan Sub-District, North Jakarta in commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1444 H.
The Bina Wilayah Activity is an annual work visit which was held on Thursday, 22 June 2023, by the Tangerang Regency PKK Motivating Team. This activity focused on administration and coaching reports to PKK group in each Village/Urban Village.
Last Wednesday, 21st June 2023, PIK2's Community Development provided waste management training for Pantas Gemilang Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Pangkalan Village.
Caring for fellow human beings is one of the things that we must protect and improve. On Sunday, May 28 2023, Tokyo Riverside Apartment again carried out a blood donation drive at the Chikusei Tower. This activity was carried out to increase community participation in becoming blood donors, as well as to help meet the needs of blood stock at PMI.
In Islamic teachings, the process of memorizing can be related to several things, one of which is Tahfidz Qur'an which means the process of memorizing the Qur'an. Tahfidz is the process of memorizing something in memory so that it can be recited by rote in a certain way. Tahfidz Qur'an can also train discipline and provide psychological calm and stability.
LPK Citra Kirana Opened registration for the second batch in May 2023 after being successfully launched on 30 January, 2023. The community development program carried out by PIK2 at the Osaka Hotel is back to provide opportunities for training participants to gain hospitality knowledge.
Bedug Percussion Festival was held in Teluknaga District which was fully supported by PIK2. This activity is a gathering place for the people of Teluknaga and a concrete manifestation of Islamic culture and symbols which continues to be part of the Teluknaga community.
Tuesday, 18 April 2023, Signing ceremony of Collaboration Agreement between PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari and Housing, Settlement, and Burial Department regarding Quality Development Monitoring in Accelerating Open Defecation Free (ODF) Villages in Tangerang Regency was held
Ramadan is a special month because there is an opportunity to share goodness. Remember, in this month, blessings, multiple rewards and forgiveness from Allah SWT are wide open for Muslims who want to increase their rewards.
PIK 2 had the opportunity to carry out "Buka Bersama dan Bersukaria" (BUKBERIA) with and the orphans from the Nurul Hidayah Foundation on Thursday, 13 April 2023 at the Pasir Putih Marketing Gallery
On April 3rd 2023, THE 1O1 Hotel Jakarta Darmawangsa celebrated the peak of the 8th Anniversary event and held an Iftar event which was attended by all hotel employees and invited orphans from the FUIR Foundation, Pulo Urban Village, South Jakarta.
On Friday, March 31, 2023, an iftar event was held with orphans from the Cinta Insani Negeri Foundation in Western Room, All Sedayu Hotel.
In welcoming the holy month of Ramadan 1444 H, Hilton Garden Inn Taman Palem, Green Sedayu Mall and Dompet Dhuafa work with PT MNC Multimedia Network which covers 104.6 MNC Trijaya FM, 106.6 FM V Radio, 88.4 FM Global Radio and 97.1 FM Radio RDI to hold an Iftar together with the orphans from the Dompet Santunan Foundation at the Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom
The Iftar event was held at the HARRIS Suites Puri Mansion Hotel Ballroom on Friday, 24 March 2023 with the theme "Maintaining relationship (tali silaturahmi) between us". Present at the event were orphans from Duri Kosambi Urban Village and children from ISCO Foundation (Indonesian Street Children Organization).
Ramadan is a month of sharing blessings. In order to celebrate the holy month, Harris Vertu & Yello Hotel Harmoni held an iftar event with the Indonesian Street Children Organization (ISCO) and all employees on Friday, 24 March 2023
The recent high rainfall has caused flooding in several sub-districts around PIK2, one of which is in Teluknaga Sub-District and Pakuhaji Sub-District, Tangerang Regency. A number of groceries were distributed by PIK2 Community Development on Friday 3rd March and Monday 6th of March 2023 to affected residents, some of which were processed directly by residents through the Public Kitchen Post in Teluknaga Sub-District.
Lately, the heavy rainfall has caused flooding in several areas of Kosambi Sub-District. As a form of concern for PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari to the surrounding community, through the PIK2 Community Development Team, distributed flood disaster mitigation assistance in the form of 5 sets of pumps and hoses to Kosambi Sub-District.
The PIK2 Community Development Initiation Program for Si Melon's Stunting Prevention and Alleviation, which has been running since June 2022, will continue until May 2023.
PIK2 Community Development along with PT. Cikarang Listrindo, Tbk held an activity of Planting 1000 Mangrove Tree Seeds and Sharing Knowledge in the occasion of disaster mitigation as well as comparative study of the Bahagia Berkarya Group (Kebaya) which was held on Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at Muara Gembong.
PIK2 Community Development also attended the “Musrenbang in Kosambi Sub-District for 2024 Fiscal” which was held on 16 February 2023 at the Kosambi Sub-District office. Multi Stakeholder Consultation Forum for Development Planning (Musrenbang) which was held this year had the theme “Strengthening Competitive Human Resources in the Context of Improving the Community's Economy”.
In commemoration of National Nutrition Day which falls on January 25th each year, PIK2 together with the Tegal Angus Health Center held a series of activities in the form of counselling on “The Important Role of Protein in the Body to Prevent Stunting”. This was conveyed by Mrs. Saadah as the representative of the Tegal Angus Health Center nutrition team.
Agung Sedayu Group together with Pengusaha Peduli NKRI and the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation Indonesia through the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta provided 4 (four) trucks of basic necessities consisting of a total of 30 tons of rice and 1,500 boxes of instant noodles.
ALL SEDAYU HOTEL collaborated with VISI MAHA KARYA volunteers to distribute blankets and pillows to those affected by the Cianjur Earthquake - November 29, 2022.
Phase 2 of Stocking Fish Seeds and Fish Feeding to the Ki Dalang Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Pangkalan Village was carried out on Friday, 25 November 2022 by raising the concept of "Ketapang (Ketahanan Pangan Pangkalan)".
PIK 2 Community Development also attended the Teluknaga UMKM Fair that was officially opened on 18 November 2022 at Waru Brilliant Thematic Village, Bojong Renged Village.
On the occasion of Travel with Purpose Week last October, Hilton Garden Inn Taman Palem Hotel as a Travel with Purpose member carried out several activities, namely a visit to the Kembangan Food Garden managed by the Food Bank of Indonesia and also a visit to the Sayap Ibu Bintaro Foundation.
In commemoration of World Stroke Day, Fatmawati Hospital collaborated with Fatmawati City Center to hold a Fun Walk & Fun Bike!
On this occasion, PIK 2 also participated in enlivening the Cultural Festival by providing help at the Tabligh Akbar and compensation event for the orphans and widows in the Dadap Village area.
The Darmawangsa Square in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross of South Jakarta City held a blood donor activity on 14 October 2022.
In commemoration of the language month that falls in the month of October, PIK 2 Community Development held an activity "Literacy Corner with Rara" that took the hands of the students in Paud SPS Permata West Kosambi in Marketing Gallery at Pasir Putih PIK 2.
PIK 2 also supports the Kosambi District Government in River Normalization and Environmental Management along the Bojongrenged river up to the West Kosambi Bodeman within the Kosambi District area.
The Bang Pendi Program that means Rising through Equal Education, is one of the Education Pillars in the PIK 2 Community Development program as a form of corporate social responsibility mandated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 Year 2007.
Like THE 101 Hotel Jakarta Sedayu Darmawangsa, which routinely carries out CSR activities on October 4, 2022 and then had the opportunity to reconnect by visiting the Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 3 Social Institution.
In celeberation of 2nd Anniversary of HARRIS Suites Puri Mansion on 1 October 2022, all employees and management of Harris Suites Puri Mansion visited a number of worship houses and several orphanages in the surrounding area.
In commemoration of Indonesian Red Cross Day and World Heart Day (WHD) which fall on every September, Gading Festival Food & Fun together with Ondelivery held a "BLOOD DONOR & VACCINE BOOSTER" activity on 29 September 2022 at the Gading Festival area.
PIK 2 received a visit from the Tangerang Regency PKK Mobilization Team in the context of Regional Development of Kosambi District and Teluknaga District, Madam Yuli Zaki Iskandar along with her staff on Wednesday, 14 September 2022.
On 14 September 2022, ALL SEDAYU HOTEL celebrated its 9th anniversary with all ALL SEDAYU HOTEL employees. It's been 9 years since ALL SEDAYU HOTEL has made its mark in the Indonesian hospitality business industry.
Tuesday, 9 August 2022, the Travel with Purpose committee from @HiltonGardenInnTamanPalem and DoubleTree by Hilton Jakarta - Diponegoro jointly carried out the Soap for Hope program activity which was supported by PT. Diversey Indonesia.
Success of the Government's program to prevent and eradicate stunting in Indonesia, TNI Koramil, Teluknaga Sub-District, participated in a series of supplementary feeding activities (PMT).
In closing his series of visits to Indonesia, Liu Jianchao as the Director of International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPCID) came to review the atmosphere of Pantjoran PIK on Thursday, 1 September 2022 and was greeted by the BoD Members of Agung Sedayu Group.
In line with the 'Si Melon' Stunting Prevention and Alleviation Program with the Supplementary Feeding Method, PIK 2 continues to innovate by providing free Si Melon Drinking Water to beneficiaries consisting of children under 2 years of age with stunting problems, pregnant women with anaemia and chronic energy deficiency.
In July 2022, PIK 2 also attended the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Pilot Project of the Healthy Family Movement for Disaster Response and Resilience by the Banten Provincial PKK Driving Team at the Base Education Park.
ASG untuk Indonesia held CSR activity in the form of providing assistance for orphans & grief at Nelayan village Rw 01 and 04 by PT. Kapuk Naga Indah and PT. Perkasa Abadi Jaya.
On Wednesday, July 20, 2022, a monitoring and evaluation event for the pilot project of Healthy Family Movement and Disaster-Resilient was held in Pangkalan Village, Teluknaga Sub-District, Tangerang District, Banten.
After PIK2 implemented the Stunting Prevention and Alleviation Program "Si Melon", on Monday, August 22, 2022, PIK2 came up again with #PIK2SEHAT program through Mass Circumcision activities held at Lemo Village GOR, Teluknaga.
On Sunday July 9, 2022, Tokyo Riverside Apartment held another Blood Donation Event with PMI. This event was participated by apartment residents and visitors.
Commemorating its 1st anniversary on July 1, 2022, The Hilton Garden Inn Jakarta held several activities, one of them was donations and visits to Rumah Singgah Sahabat Ayah Sarah.
To support corporate responsibility for environmental advancement, travel with purpose committee together with several employee representatives from Hilton Garden Inn hotel held the cleaning activity at White Sand Beach PIK 2.
In 2022, Community Development PT.Kukuh Mandiri Lestari PIK 2 has distributed 103 goats and 3 Cows for eid ul-adha to several area around PIK2 area.
ALL SEDAYU Hotel provides CSR assistance to mosques in the Kelapa Gading area as a form of concern for houses of worship. Through the program of caring for houses of worship, All Sedayu Hotel Kelapa Gading cleans and helps tidy up the facilities of the Al-Muhajirin - Kelapa Gading Barat mosque with staff and employees.
The PIK2 Education Program in this period through Pojok Literasi activity, expanded its reach to Tanjung Pasir Village, Teluknaga District, which was previously implemented in Muara Village, Lemo Village, Tanjung Burung Village - Teluknaga District and Dadap Village, West Kosambi Village, East Kosambi Village, Salembaran Jati Village, Salembaran Jaya Village - Kosambi District.
Agung Sedayu Group, represented by the PIK2 community development team, has currently participated in the health sector for the area around PIK2 through the Melon program, which means Health Community making zero Stunting.
Management started the opening ceremony of Old Shanghai by holding CSR activities, by sharing compensation to 40 orphans in the RT and RW around West Cakung Village, East Jakarta.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, Agung sedayu together with the Bimanindo Terbit Terang PKBM Institution and the tangerang regency local government held a program to alleviate the dropout rate through chasing packages B and C.
For those who want to find a job and add skills to your provisions in the world of work, Comdev PIK 2 opening another BLK Training phase 2 in 2022.
On May 18, 2022, by carrying out the Kampung Adidaya PIK2 (Kampung Cakap Berdaya) concepts, PIK2 collaborated with the Fisheries Department provided as many as 13,315 pomfret fish seeds and 1,000 catfish seedlings, as well as 4 tons of fish feed enough to meet 6 months of fish maintenance.
THE 1O1 Hotel Jakarta Sedayu Darmawangsa invited the FUIR orphanage Foundation of Pulo Urban Village to break the fast together at the Hotel while providing compensation, food and also souvenirs.
Tokyo Riverside Apartment held a Blood Donor Event with PMI on Sunday April 17, 2022.
To elevate the education level in Indonesia, CSR Agung Sedayu Group implemented program "Pengentasan Angka Putus Sekolah melalui Kegiatan Kejar Paket B dan C" for people who live in Kosambi and Teluknaga sub-districts.
Community Development PIK 2 held a Football tournament "PIK 2 CUP" in Teluknaga and Kosambi Sub-District.
In order to preserve and support local wisdom, Community Development PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari also supports Istifalan Activities in order to welcome the arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadan at several Ta'lim Assemblies located in Muara Village, Lemo Village, Tanjung Burung Village, and Tanjung Pasir Village, Teluknaga District and Dadap Village, East Kosambi Village, Kosambi District Kosambi Village.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022, Community Development of PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari giving away of 50.000 pcs of masks to the Tim Penggerak PKK Kabupaten Tangerang at the PKK Secretariat Office. The help of giving away the masks were handed over by Rio and Okto Fianus as representatives of PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari and received by Hj. Nina Romli as Vice Chariman of Tim Penggerak PKK of Tangerang Regency.
In carrying out health protocols during this ongoing pandemic, PIK area regularly sprays disinfectants. The disinfectant used is an Ecoenzyme-based disinfectant that is environmentally friendly.
On January 29, 2022, PIK 2 held a blood donation event at MO PIK 2 which was opened by the Chairman of PINTI, dr. Metta Agustina M.A.R.S together with Chairman of the DKI Jakarta INTI Association, I Wayan Suparmin and Member of the PMI Management of DKI Jakarta Province, Bayu Herdayana Suryadiredja.
ALL SEDAYU HOTEL in collaboration with Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) on 11 February 2022 held a blood donation activity in the hotel neighborhood.
This time, PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari carrying out activities that focus on education, The Taman Baca Cemara program in Teluknaga Sub-district, covering Desa Muara, Lemo, Tanjung Burung (Teluknaga) and Kosambi Sub-districts located in West Kosambi, East Kosambi, Dadap, Salembaran Jaya, Salembaran Jati (Kosambi), Tangerang District.
During 2021, Agung Sedayu Group individually or collaborating with several agencies and companies, carried out social assistance actions to various regions in an effort to help surrounding areas that are experiencing difficulties and are hit by disasters, especially during covid 19 pandemic.
Sophisticated and modern tools are provided to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of PIK 2 facilities, one of them is Smart Vehicle.
Realizing how important it is to manage waste properly, CSR Agung Sedayu Group initiated a rebox program (smart waste dropbox) in collaboration with Rekosistem.
On January 15, 2022, HXC collaborating with Indonesian Red Cross conducted a social action for Blood Donation which started at 11.00 - 14.00 WIB.
On Wednesday, July 7, 2021, Army Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited the vaccination center in PIKAvenue. This vaccination service for the community is a collaboration of Agung Sedayu Group through a subsidiary of Agung Sedayu Real Estate Indonesia (ASRI) together with Artha Graha Peduli, TNI, Polri, and Yayasan Budha Tzu Chi. Until now has participated in helping vaccinate more than 50 thousand people per month, which is also spread in several other vaccine centers.
On Friday, June 16, 2021, TMD PIK 2 Management conducted a social service in the form of providing food and medicines for residents affected by flood in Muara Village. With this assistance, we hope to ease the burden of flood-affected residents, so they can resume their activities as soon as possible.
Friday, July 23, 2021, PIK 2 (member of Agung Sedayu Group) carried out social assistance distribution activities for residents around PIK 2. Including for people who are isoman. The distribution was carried out in Kosambi and Teluk Naga sub-districts in the form 3 tons of rice and 1000 packages of basic necessities.
Harmoni Exchange in collaboration with Gambir Subdistrict implements a free vaccination program, which is preferred to residents of Gambir Subdistrict and employees of the Central Jakarta regional office by bringing a cover letter from their respective offices. But it does not close the opportunity to other dki citizens by bringing DKI ID card and proof of registration. The vaccination program runs every day from Monday – Friday from 08.00 – 12.00 WIB located at 2nd Floor. Vaccination program runs until July 12, 2021 with a quota of 150 vaccines daily.
On Friday, 4th June 2021, TMD PIK 2 Management conducted a social service in the form of providing 150 packages of basic food assistance for 138 families affected by flood in Tanah Pereman - Lemo Village, as well as free medical treatment for 400 lemo village residents affected by the flood.
On April 28, 2021, PIK 2 provided donation to orphanages, in the form of basic material packages of 350 packages distributed to 7 villages, among them Lemo Village, Tanjung Burung Village, East Kosambi Village, West Kosambi Village, Salembaran Jaya Village, Salembaran Jati Village, each of which received 50 packages containing rice, canned milk, UHT milk , instant noodles, cooking oil, sugar, snacks and tea bags, and donations in the form of money that can be used for other purposes by each orphanage beneficiaries.
Welcoming Ramadan 1442 H, precisely on April 8, 2021, PIK 2 conducted CSR activities in the form of distribution of foodstuffs amounting to 2700 sacks of rice to 2 sub-districts and 7 subdistricts in tangerang regency.
On Monday, 31th May 2021, PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2) handed over support in the form of swab antigen tests and PCR reagents to the Tangerang Regency Government , contributing the 3T program in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus, which were held at the Tangerang Regent's Office. On that occasion, Bupati Zaki said thank God, because on that day the Tangerang Regency Government again received support from various parties and companies in Tangerang Regency, and one of them is PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2).
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pantai Indah Kapuk 2 (PIK 2) and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation distributed social assistance packages of 1,000 food packages in the form of ten kilograms rice and two boxes of masks. T
Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony between the Department of Manpower & Transmigration UPTD Training Center Banten Province and PIK 2 was held on February 10, 2021. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by Mr. H. Al Hamidi, Sos, M.Si as Head of the Banten Provincial Government's Manpower & Transmigration Office and Mr. Restu Mahesa as Estate Director of PIK 2. With this cooperation we hope that more activities can be carried out for the Indonesia’s workforce, especially those in the Banten Province
The partnership between the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation and the Agung Sedayu Group has realized many programs without any social, religious or ethnic boundaries.
Agung Sedayu Group also conducts social activities in the area around PIK 2 such as distributing sacrificial animals during Eid al-Adha so that the surrounding community can also enjoy the benefits of sacrificial animals.
Currently running the Work Training Center program for 2 villages around PIK 2, namely Muara Village & Lemo Village. "We gather potential young people in the two villages by involving the Lurah and the Village Head, we screen them, and interview them, then we will be provided with job skills.
The Corona or Covid-19 virus pandemic which only hit Indonesia not only threatens public health, but also on social and economic aspects.
Some local residents who live near the white sand beach of PIK 2 have worked together to clean up the trash on the white sand beach of PIK 2.
Agung Sedayu Group & Salim Group, as a company engaged in the Property Developer sector, took part in the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program which was held at San Antonio Pantai Maju Golf Island.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we routinely implemented Health Protocols in the public areas of Pantai Maju Golf Island, such as spraying disinfectant fluids, checking body temperature, providing hand washing stations, and distributing masks and free hand sanitizers. All this for the comfort and health of the visitors.
Agung Sedayu Group also conducts social activities in the area around PIK 2 such as humanitarian assistance in the form of distribution of free masks & basic food packages to 7 villages and sub-districts around PIK 2, such as Dadap Village, Kosambi Barat Village, Kosambi Timur Village, Salembaran Jaya Village, Salembaran Village Jati, Lemo Village, Muara Village.
In an effort to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak, Agung Sedayu Group and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation carried out the Covid-19 rapid test or better known as the rapid test, to employees, the public and construction workers located at Pantai Maju Golf Island, Pantai Indah Kapuk.
Agung Sedayu Group and entrepreneurs who are under the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) and are members of the Homeland Care Entrepreneurs handed over medical equipment assistance in handling the Covid-19 outbreak to Tzu Chi Indonesia at Tzu Chi Center, PIK, North Jakarta.
Quality Education through partnerships in support of the development of various educational support facilities such as schools and campuses, including the construction of the Nahdlatul Ulama University Campus located in Parung Bogor-West Java.